Homeopathic medicinal products for preventing and treating acute respiratory tract infections in children

Une méta-étude sélectionnant des essais homéopathiques en double aveugle avec placebo conclut à aucun effet significatif de l’homéopathie sur les infections respiratoires.

Il faut noter que la méta-analyse étudiait 2 études sur la prévention et 2 sur les traitements. Pour rappel, l’homéopathie classique vise à sélectionner un remède d’après la similarité entre les les symptômes attribués au remède et à ceux du patient, qui doivent correspondre. Plus il y a concordance, plus le remède est réputé bénéficier au patient et à l’ensemble des symptômes.

Le traitement homéopathique, même en aigu, requiert d’adapter le remède selon le changement des manifestations. Cet aspect est très difficile à intégrer dans une étude qui ne peut démontrer que des hypothèses mettant en jeu un nombre de facteurs limités.


We found low‐quality evidence that non‐individualised homeopathic medicinal products confer little preventive effect on ARTIs (OR 1.14, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.57). We found low‐quality evidence from two individualised prevention studies that homeopathy has little impact on the need for antibiotic usage (N = 369) (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.35 to 1.76). We also assessed adverse events, hospitalisation rates and length of stay, days off school (or work for parents), and quality of life, but were not able to pool data from any of these secondary outcomes.

There is insufficient evidence from two pooled individualised treatment studies (N = 155) to determine the effect of homeopathy on short‐term cure (OR 1.31, 95% CI 0.09 to 19.54; very low‐quality evidence) and long‐term cure rates (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.10 to 9.96; very low‐quality evidence). Adverse events were reported inconsistently; however, serious events were not reported. One study found an increase in the occurrence of non‐severe adverse events in the treatment group

Authors’ conclusions

Pooling of two prevention and two treatment studies did not show any benefit of homeopathic medicinal products compared to placebo on recurrence of ARTI or cure rates in children. We found no evidence to support the efficacy of homeopathic medicinal products for ARTIs in children. Adverse events were poorly reported, so conclusions about safety could not be drawn.

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